PRESIDENT ELECT JIM KLUSMAN introduced Kathy Nimmer, an English teacher at Harrison High School. Katy Nimmer Among her many awards, she is the 2015 Indiana Teacher of the Year and runner-up for National Teacher of the Year. Kathy had normal sight until she was diagnosed with a rare form of retinal degeneration in second grade. She attended the Indiana School for the blind, college and received a masters degree from Purdue in Education. She described the many challenges she has faced and the adjustments she has had to make to succeed in life and her career. With the help of guide dogs, technical equipment and many people, she achieves her goals.

She told the story of feeling like she could fly when playing on the jungle gym as a little girl. That feeling has helped her to overcome fear and to step outside her comfort zone. After receiving the recent awards, she feels like she can fly. Next year she will be on sabbatical to travel the state of Indiana in support of education. It is an exciting opportunity that she is most grateful for.

Kathy answered several good questions after her prepared remarks.


Money Collector:  KIM MOTULIAK and STAN MITHOEFER;  Greeters:  CATHY BARRON and SUSAN HYCHKA; Invocation:  PHIL KLINGER; Piano:  RAY PEETERS;  Song Leader:  ARVID OLSON;  50/50 RAFFLE:  CECIL BLIGNAUT, PAUL POST and DICK PEYTON.  Photographer:  JOEL RASMUS.  Help with attendance and facilitating a smooth meeting:  TOM MORAN and WES MCDIVITT.  Webmaster:  LARRY HUGGINS.


Take Risks, Conquer Fears