SUZANN SHACKLELTON introduced Rotary Peace Fellow, Anna Crumley-Effinger, who shared her journey with us. Anna Crumley-EffingerShe was in the eleventh class of Peace Fellows, with 9 other students for two years at Sweden’s Uppsala University.  Anna described the program, which consists of Core Courses, Research, Applied Field Experience and an Annual Seminar.  There are two options for Fellows:  The Professional Development Certificate that takes three months of study in Thailand; or a Master’s Degree, which takes two years.  There were 51 countries represented in her class, many from low-income countries and from many walks of life.  Her field experience was in the Solomon Islands, small islands in the Pacific northeast of Australia and New Zealand.  The population is small and spread out over many islands.  A civil war in the 90’s created great divisions in the population.  She was involved in programs to help them with their goals to reunite the people.  While she was there, she learned more about U.S. history during WW II.   Her home base was Guadalcanal, the scene of  bitter fighting between Japanese and Allied troops; the Allies were ultimately victorious.  Anna answered questions and stayed afterward to chat with members.  If you know of someone interested in becoming a Rotary Peace Fellow, click here to see the brochure.


ED LEONARD, Jekyll Island, GA; SUZANN SHACKLETON, Attica/Williamsport


Lorrie MacKenzie, guest of BECKY ROBLEDO; Pamela Dexter, guest of AL GATMAITAN.


Money Collectors: SAM BIEDERSTEDT and DON GENTRY; Greeters: ELSA JANLE, BETTY SUDDARTH and BARBARA HANSEN; Invocation: DAN BERGER; Piano: HARRIET COPPOC; Song leader:  BOB GRIFFITHS; Help with attendance and facilitating a smooth meeting: TOM MORAN and WES MCDIVITT.  Webmaster: LARRY HUGGINS.

Peace Poster


This is a note from our District Governor TOM BRANUM, JR. concerning fellow Rotarian’s efforts in West Africa.

”As you may know, the Fishers Rotary Club, the Greenfield Club and many Clubs in our District and beyond have been involved with putting Deep Bore-hole Wells in Sierra Leone in western Africa since 2008.  Now Sierra Leone like other countries in the region are suffering from an big outbreak of Ebola.

In one of my email conversations with our Rotarian-friend Past President Dr. Adonis Abboud in the Freetown Rotary Club, he asked the following:
"Keep us in your prayers and try if possible at your future meeting to raise money to help us in the EBOLA fight.  We need a lot of sanitizers. If possible let me know. We need something like 250 wall brackets which hold the 1200 ml bottle and about 1000 refills."

We don't often get requests like this, but I thought we could spread this need out in the Rotary-world and see what miracles we could come up with.

So, please put your thinking caps on ... spread the word ... and let's see if we can help.  And, let me know if you have any ideas.