CHRIS introduced fellow Rotarian ARVID OLSON, whose topic was “Why We Bought the Hoosier State Train Back”.Arvid OlsonARVID began by explaining why dependable rail service is important for the future of the northwest part of Indiana. In the “Good to Great” study, eight recommendations were made to gain and retain the next generations. Strategy # 6 is to enhance connections between Lafayette, Indianapolis and Chicago. Young people prefer public transportation (not a car) and have a high sense of community. He pointed out that Normal, IL and Lafayette, IN are the same distance from Chicago. Normal has made it easy for people to commute by rail to jobs in Chicago. The travel time is less than from the western suburbs. There are 20 trips per day offering service to Chicago and to St. Louis because both cities are important to students and graduates interviewing for jobs.

Congress cut Amtrak funding in 2008. At the very last minute divergent entities in Indiana came together to save the Hoosier State for now. There is hope that higher speed rail service can come to the Midwest – as it is to the Northeast Corridor and to parts of Florida. We are already behind many countries in our quest for better rail service. The economic vibrancy of our area depends on attracting and keeping young people and one of the key needs is fast transportation to the state’s capital to the south and to the nation’s 3rd largest city to the north.


PennyTitus and Robert Naab, guest and father of CHRISTINE BURR.


Money Collectors: WES MC DIVITT and DAVE LANDGREBE; Greeters: CHIP RUTLEDGE and LARRY HUGGINS; Invocation: BOB HANNEMANN; Piano: BOB GRIFFITHS; Song Leader:  RENEE ROAMES;  Help with attendance and facilitating a smooth meeting: TOM MORAN and JANE SMITH.  Webmaster: LARRY HUGGINS.

The Leicester Rail Station is located just off of London Road.  Announcer John Palmer provides passengers a daily thought for the day: Here are several gems that he has provided through the years:
Why don’t sheep shrink in the rain?
Why doesn’t superglue stick to the inside of the bottle?
And just exactly where is the last resort?
--These messages and my more from the Daily Mail, UK.


Highlights of the Club Board Meeting:
•    Recommendations by the Governance Committee for revisions to policies regarding Board Members Code of Conduct and Agenda Planning were adopted.
•    Compensation for the Executive Secretary was approved.  The budget was discussed and changes requested.  It will be presented again in July.
•    A transfer of $1,300 to the International Projects Fund, held by The Lafayette Rotary Club Foundation, was approved.
•    KIM MOTULIAK, CHIP RUTLEDGE and TERRY WEST were thanked for their service.  CAROL GALBRAITH, LARRY HUGGINS and ELSA JANLE will join the Board in July.
•    President CHRIS presided over his last board meeting, but will remain on the Board as Immediate Past President.