Autumn Keller
    Ambassadorial Scholar to Scotland
Money Collectors:
    JOE BONNER - 11:00 to 11:30 a.m.
    DON "GUS" GUSTAFSON - 11:30 to 12:00 p.m.
    NERLEEN RAMSEY - 11:20 to 12:00 p.m.

♦ GREG KAPP announced the Rotary Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign has officially begun. The sign up chart is available for you to sign up on in the back of the room. Our date to ring the bells is December 4th. This year, we have 9 sites, with four two-hour shifts each. We like to have two people per site per shift. You may sign up for multiple shifts if you are available!

♦ This Thursday the backpackers need assistance. Please contact BECKY ROBLEDO if you can help!

♦ PRESIDENT DICK reminded us that everyone is on the membership committee. Play your part and bring a new member into our club.

♦ Every Rotarian Every Year Report: 20% of the club has contributed $11,000.00 We are half way to our goal.

♦ The Rotary Foundation is extending is offer to give points for contributions made on line. This is a good way to receive your Paul Harris Fellow recognition.

♦ TERRY WEST announced that $58 worth of raffle tickets were sold today, bringing the value of the pot to $396.00. The winning number belonged to CHRISTA KECK! Unfortunately, the Ace of Spades eluded her.

♦ At a future date, District Governor SALIM NAJJAR will share the pictures he took while accompanying the team of doctors and nurses from Riley Children's Hospital who performed heart surgeries in Uganda. The Ugandan hospital staff now has more knowledge on how to repair hearts.

♦ April 29 & 30, 2011 - District Conference in Carmel, IN. The registration fee will be $99, which includes conference, meals and a Charlie Daniels concert at the Palladium in Carmel. Don't miss the fun!

♦ BOB HANNEMAN provided a revised version of the report on the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Click here to read it.


Highlights from the Club Board Meeting

♦ A new contract with no increase in the lunch price was signed with University Plaza

♦ The Operating Reserve and Investment Policy was approved

♦ Rotary Harvest Dinner, Friday, October 28, 2011 received approval as a major fund raiser.

♦ Resignations were accepted from Don Franklin, Jeanne Norberg, Tim Parsons, Susan Smith, and Jacob Williams

♦ Harley Griffith, Ed Hemmer and Dick Walker were made Life Members.

♦ Spouses of new members will be invited to their introduction at club expense.


Click here to see the Committee Page